B3B Nordvest Mens Team 3 (Beginner+Intermediate) tryout image

B3B Nordvest Men's Team 3 (Beginner+Intermediate)

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B3B Basketball

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B3B Nordvest Men's Team 3 (Beginner+Intermediate)
ledige pladser *

  • Ons. 19.02.2025 kl. 18:00 - 19:30
  • Ons. 26.02.2025 kl. 18:00 - 19:30
  • Ons. 05.03.2025 kl. 18:00 - 19:30
  • Ons. 12.03.2025 kl. 18:00 - 19:30
  • Ons. 19.03.2025 kl. 18:00 - 19:30
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*Antal prøvetræninger tilladt før indmeldelse: 1

  • Beskrivelse

    Beginner team that has been training together for 2 years - mix of beginner and intermediate players, for example guys with only few years club experience or playing lots of streetball but not organized basketball before

    Please note that the gym can be tricky to find, so call the coach if you have trouble. You have to go into the school yard and it's a square brown building.

    Training is on Mondays 18-20 in Utterslev Skole
    Wednesdays 18-19:30 in Bellahøj Skole
    Extra: Open Gym, Sundays 14-16 in Nørre Fælled Skole

    Læs mere Luk
  • Niveau

    Beginner + Intermediate

  • Faciliteter & udstyr (inkluderet)

    - Bad
    - Omklædningsfaciliteter

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