B3B Nordvest Womens Team 1 (Elite)  tryout image

B3B Nordvest Women's Team 1 (Elite)

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B3B Basketball

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B3B Nordvest Women's Team 1 (Elite)
ledige pladser *

  • Man. 17.02.2025 kl. 18:00 - 19:30
  • Man. 24.02.2025 kl. 18:00 - 19:30
  • Man. 03.03.2025 kl. 18:00 - 19:30
  • Man. 10.03.2025 kl. 18:00 - 19:30
  • Man. 17.03.2025 kl. 18:00 - 19:30
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*Antal prøvetræninger tilladt før indmeldelse: 1

  • Beskrivelse

    This team is for women with lots of basketball experience (10+ years). It's ok if you haven't played for a long time, as long as you have played competitively before. We focus on fun but also competing and winning games! If you are an experienced point guard or center, we would love to have you with us! But we are accepting players on all positions.

    We train Monday 18-19.30 in Efterslægten and Thursday in Bellahøj skole at 17.30-19.

    We play in 2nd division with the ambition to win and move up to 1st division. The games are usually during weekends.
    We also do something social together once every 1-2 months. The team is very international with over half the team being expats, from Slovakia, Estonia, Czech Republic, USA, etc.

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  • Niveau


  • Faciliteter & udstyr (inkluderet)

    - Bad
    - Omklædningsfaciliteter

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