Tilmeld prøvetræning - Der er 1 åbent hold i CBS SPORT RUGBY


Klub CVR: 31912105

CBS RUGBY is the Rugby club of Copenhagen Business School but our membership is not limited to CBS students or people affiliated with CBS. We have currently and always have had many players and members from outude CBS.

We had considerable success in recent years before covid and a turnover in personell forced us to effectively restart our club. We currently have a womens team in partnership with other Danish clubs as we recruit and build for te future.

Our core values are those of Rugby. Friendhsip, courtesy, dedication, commitment, support, positivity, respect, etc. And we do practice what we preach.

We encourage you to come and join us. You can be new to the game or an experienced player, we will take care of you. If you are new we will turn you into a rugby player. If you are experienced we will make you better. If you are unfit, we will make you fit. Everyone has a place with us as long as you agree to our core values.

If you have never played Rugby and are new to the game what we can tell yu is that Rugby opens dorrs all over the world in a way that virtually nothing else does. , We encourage you to check the Rugby games at the Olympics.

Join us. We hope to see you at training.

Rugby i Frederiksberg

CBS SPORT RUGBY har aktive rugby hold her: Kedelhallen (Nyelandsvej 75a+b). Holdene træner onsdage og er for piger/kvinder i alderen 16+ årige.

CBS SPORT RUGBY har følgende rugby hold i Frederiksberg.

Kedelhallen (Nyelandsvej 75a+b):
Senior Women (age 16+) | Onsdage, kl. 18:00-20:00

CBS SPORT RUGBY har træninger i følgende byer:

Klubben er en del af Frederiksberg kommune